Thursday, September 30, 2021

 A Healthy Flat Belly Diet

Belly fat is often viewed as a reflection of bad eating habits and no exercise. However, there is always the hope that you could reverse the fat by following a healthy flat belly diet. The most important part of a fat belly diet is to reduce the intake of foods that contribute to the storing of fat, but most of all to avoid food sources that would generate excess fat.

There are a number of different types of flat belly diets available. All you need to do is make the choice for the diet you find most suited and enjoyable.

Some of the Foods You need to Include in your Flat Belly Diet

Fiber: A great way of getting the best out of fiber is to include two, especially at breakfast time. This is a sure way of getting you to be regular and stay that way. Bloating is one way of making your belly appear fat, hence, the fiber will take care of that. All-Bran is the best for this purpose.

Include coconut oil to your flat belly diet. This can reduce sugar craving, and it has many other health benefits.

Include Greek Yoghurt to your diet plan, as this is natural yogurt that contains probiotics. It will help get rid of the bad bacteria and thus reduce belly-bloating as well.

If you need to snack in between, popcorn helps with the reduction of your belly. This can only work if you air-pop it.

Some Foods to Exclude for a Successful Flat Belly Diet

Sugar and salt are both unhealthy for the body. However, salt adds to the bloating and makes your belly look fat. It is especially when you use the salt shaker quite lavishly at the table. Help your belly further by not adding too much salt to your food. It is also important to watch the salt content of processed foods.

The fact that you should exclude fast foods is actually a no-brainer. If you strive to have a flat belly, you have to stay away from any of the fast foods available. A few simple reasons are:

White bread rolls for hamburgers

Fattening oils and butter are used, as well as

Processed ketchup and much more

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Monday, June 22, 2020

Fitness Nutrition

No matter what your fitness goals are, nutrition plays a big role in helping achieve those goals. As my favorite saying goes “You can’t outrun a bad diet”; no matter how much you’re exercising, diet can have a big impact on seeing results.  In some cases, your diet can maybe even sabotaging the hours you’re putting in at the gym.
Here are a few nutrition tips to take your fitness to the next level and help achieve your goals:
  • Not too little, not too much: You want it your calorie intake to be the juuuuust right.: Don’t skip meals or cut drastic calories while working out. Think of food as fuel for your workouts, and when your body doesn’t have adequate fuel you might not get the most of your workout due to fatigue. Try having small meals throughout the day and including complex carbohydrates in those meals to make sure you have the energy to get the most of each and every workout.
  • Don’t overeat: If your goal is weight loss and you’re hitting the gym for 45-60 minutes a day, you probably don’t need to make any adjustments in your diet as far as increasing calories because of your workout. It is okay to “treat yourself” every once in a while, but sometimes treating yourself will result in indulging in more calories than you burned – so try not to treat yourself after every workout.
  • Post-workout protein: Protein is important to build and repair muscle after any workout. To make sure you’re making the most of your workouts to build muscle, make sure you have a protein-rich snack within 30-45 minutes post workout.  Don’t like to eat anything heavy? or you’re on the run after your workout?  Have a protein shake! Grab an Iconic protein shake or use one of the TopTrainer protein powders (plant-based or whey protein) both available at EnergyX.
  • Hydrate, but don’t drink your calories: Make sure you’re drinking plenty of water throughout the day.  Water is best - especially if you’re spending time outdoors, or sweat a lot during your workouts.   Try to avoid sugary workout drinks, you probably don’t really need those unless you’re logging over 60 minutes of continuous endurance exercise.
for more information you can visit this website-